People’s Transit demand response service provides door to door service. The following policies explain the meaning and intent of door to door.
1. Private Homes:
People’s Transit drivers will not enter past the first door of private homes for any reason.
2. Business/Medical Facilities/Public Bldgs:
When picking up passengers from a business/medical facility, drivers may go to the lobby area. Drivers will not go past this point to pick up a rider.
It is the individual’s, personal care attendant’s, or care provider’s responsibility to ensure that passengers are waiting inside the door for their ride.
Pickup time will be as close to the agreed time as possible. Passengers must be waiting at the designated pickup point at the scheduled pickup time or the “no show” policy will apply.
On-time pick-up.
All People’s Transit trips are scheduled with a 30 minute pick-up window. This means a vehicle is considered “on-time” when it arrives either 15 minutes before, or 15 minutes after the scheduled pick-up time. Example: if your pick-up time is 9:00 am, the bus could arrive between 8:45 and 9:15 and be considered on –time.
Inclement Weather
The administrative decision to operate shall be based on National Weather Service and police reports.
Local radio KIJV 1340, KOKK 1210, TV stations, and our Facebook page will announce closings.
Based on the time of day, the priority pickup will be as follows: school children, dialysis appointments, and contractual agreements.
Steps and walks must be cleared from snow and ice or service may be refused. Drivers will not shovel snow for passengers to get to the bus.
Peoples Transit Passenger Handbook
People’s Transit Rack Card