Rates and Fares

Ride Tokens

One way ride tokens may be purchased at the People’s Transit office, over the phone using a debit/credit card, or from a driver.

Youth: (Yellow tokens)

10 tokens= $25.00
20 tokens= $50.00


General Public: (Red Tokens)

10 tokens= $35.00
20 tokens= $70.00

Outside City Limits (up to 3 miles) (white tokens)

10 tokens= $45.00
20 tokens= $90.00

Seniors: *suggested donation price

10 tokens= $25.00
20 tokens= $50.00

Have you heard about the Senior PT Express? 

For January, February & March you can ride ALL DAY for just $2.50! 

Your rides MUST be prescheduled the day before by calling (605) 353-0100.

Fares (Pre-Scheduled Rides)

Children (0-3):

Rides  free with a paying adult

Youth (3 to 17):

$2.50 (Medicaid eligible youth $1.50 during the school year)

General Public:


Seniors 60+:

Suggested donation $2.50

Outside City Limits (up to 3 miles):


Non-Emergency Medical Transportation

People’s Transit is a non-emergency medical transportation provider. People’s Transit will bill Medicaid upon validation.

Personal Care Attendants/Escorts:

  • If a rider is unable to complete travel by themselves the may have a PCA/escort assist them
  • Escort MUST be picked up/dropped off at same location and time as fare rider
  • Designated PCA/escort rides free of charge
  • Anyone accompanying the rider and PCA/escort will be required to pay a regular fare

May Personal Care Attendants (PCAs) Ride for Free on Complementary Paratransit and Fixed Route?

Under Department of Transportation (DOT) Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations at 49 C.F.R. Section 37.131(c)(3), a personal care attendant (PCA) may not be charged a fare for complementary paratransit service. Under 49 C.F.R. Section 37.123(f)(1)(ii), a companion (i.e., friend or family member) does not count as a PCA unless the companion is actually acting in the capacity of PCA. PCAs may be charged a fare on fixed route. While some transit systems go beyond the minimum requirements of the ADA and allow PCAs to ride for free, there is no requirement that they do so.

Updated: Thursday, June 8, 2017


No Shows: If a passenger does not cancel a scheduled ride or is not on time for pick-up this is considered a no show. If another ride needs to be scheduled the day of the no show it will be considered a same day ride and charged accordingly. Medicaid DOES NOT cover no shows.