Category Archives: Public Notices
Notice of June Board Meeting 2018
Notice is hereby given that the People’s Transit Board of Directors will conduct its regular business meeting on Thursday, June 21, 2018 @ 7:30 AM. The meeting will be held at People’s Transit Office, 120 Wyoming Ave SW, Huron, SD 57350.
Board of Directors:
Andrea Del Grosso, Chair
Stacy Chaparro, Vice-Chair
Brad Letcher, Secretary/Treasurer
Rita Baszler
Jessica Baum
Kurt Johns
Dave Wright
City Liaison:
Mayor Paul Aylward
County Liaison:
Commissioner Denis Drake
Notice of Board Meeting and Agenda
Thursday – May 10, 2018 – 7:30 AM
People’s Transit Conference Room,
120 Wyoming Ave. SW, Huron, SD 57350
1.0 Call to Order
2.0 Public Forum
3.0 Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum
4.0 Notice of Meeting: Posted in Office and on Website
5.0 Approval of April minutes
6.0 Support staff update: Pete Knudson, Dispatch
7.0 Action Items:
7.1 April 2018 Financial Report
7.1.1 Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual
7.1.2 Balance Sheet
7.2 Budget and Finance: April 2018 SD DOT Request for Reimbursement
7.3 5310 Request for Reimbursement: February, March, and April 2018
7.4 Health Insurance
7.4.1 Gayle on Avera 4500+ with HSA, Lauren on Medicare
7.5 Health Insurance Employee amounts: $25.00/24 pay periods, $23.08/26 pay periods.
7.6 Kansas City Life Insurance: Quote from Sarah May, Modern Woodmen
7.7 CTAA Expo 2018 in Pittsburgh: Update on training choices
7.8 Release of vehicle submitted: 2003 Ford Goshen VIN# 1FDXE45F13HA62772 and 1994 International Bus VIN# 1BAABCSA6R06126
8.0 Items of Interest:
8.1 SD DOT Compliances and Good Practice Review: Plan of Action submitted.
8.2 DBE report submitted (Disadvantage Business Enterprise)
8.3 2016 Capital Grand Award for Garage Door Repairs, Lighting and Hardware
8.3.1 Garage Door Repairs: $4000.00 remaining, expires 9/30/2019: Two quotes received. Waiting for one more to follow procurement policy.
8.3.2 Lighting: $3200.00 remaining, expires 9/30/2019. Total Bill: $3,397.97-$679.69 (PT)=$2,718.38 (Federal)
8.3.3 Hardware: (tablets) $632.15 remaining, expires 9/3/2018: No action at this time. Working with local Verizon representative.
8.4 Huron Community Foundation Grant: Awarded $3000 from HCF and $2000 from Emily and Robert Entwisle Family Fund.
9.0 Operational Items:
9.1 RTAP requests: problem, remedy, corrective action.
9.2 Gayle and Tiffany will be attending TAM (Transit Asset Management) training in Pierre on May 23rd, 2018.
9.3 Nordby Center for Recreation: PT Passport.
9.4 Upgrading brochure.
9.5 Website is updated.
9.6 Carlson’s: no tax break
10.0 Next Meeting: Thursday, June 14th, 2018
11.0 Adjourn
Board of Directors Regular Business Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the People’s Transit Board of Directors will conduct its regular business meeting on Thursday, May 10th, 2018 @ 7:30 AM. The meeting will be held at People’s Transit Office, 120 Wyoming Ave SW, Huron, SD 57350.
Board of Directors
Andrea Del Grosso, Chair
Stacy Chaparro, Vice-Chair
Brad Letcher, Secretary/Treasurer
Rita Baszler
Jessica Baum
Kurt Johns
Dave Wright
City Liaison
Mayor Paul Aylward
County Liaison
Commissioner Denis Drake